These are some of the pictures that Uncle Chris took of Hannah while we were in Utah. Thanks Chris for taking such great pictures for us!
Hannah was looking through a book to find the "right page" so that she could sing with the Tabernacle Choir on Sunday morning while watching General Conference. She just sat there and sang and sang while flipping through pages.
Yep, I turned two years old this year! It was wonderful to spend time with family for my birthday. Thanks everyone for making it so special! Here are a couple of pictures of our happy Jacob.
"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" This was a star room that Grandma walked through with the kids maybe six times and they sang the star song every time all the way through. As you can see, the girls were thrilled with it and didn't want to leave. I think Grandma had fun too. Hannah climbing through a tunnel. Ashley "Erosion" was the name of this hands on activity. It was a channel full of sand, moving water, and plastic dinosaurs. The kids played here for a 1/2 hour and had a great time getting messy. Hannah, Ashley & Josh.
Hannah and Jacob and I had a GREAT time visiting with family in Idaho and Utah from March 28th through April 8th. We did a lot of driving, but it was great to see family and play with cousins.
We started out the trip in Rexburg, Idaho where we were able to see cousin Kayla get baptised. We are so proud of her. On Sunday evening, March 30th, we were able to watch Grandpa Luke get set apart as the 2nd counselor in the Sugar City Stake Presidency. Go Grandpa!
I was nervous for Monday afternoon, since this was my first real drive alone with the kids. They both ended up sleeping for the entire 3 hour drive to Logan. It was wonderful to sit and listen to the Harry Potter VII on CD for three hours straight, totally uninterrupted. We stayed in Logan until Wednesday afternoon and had a great time visiting with three of Brent's siblings who live there. I was also lucky enough to catch up with an old college friend who I haven't seen in three years.
We drove from Logan to Lehi on Wednesday evening and stayed in a Super8 Motel with Grandma and Grandpa Powell until Monday morning. Hannah and Mommy got to go swimming in their pool and had a great time.
On Thursday we spent most of the day playing with my sister-in-law Angela and her fun kids. Hannah had a great time running in the back yard and jumping on the trampoline.
On Friday morning Jesse & Grandpa took the kids to Cabela's to feed the fish. Then we went to Thanksgiving Point to see the animal farm, go on TWO horsey rides and see the dinosaur museum. The kids had a great time and were very worn out by the end of the day.
Saturday we spent watching General Conference and making cookies with Grandma Powell. The kids had a great time playing outside even though it was cold. Uncle Chris took some great pictures of the kids at the park too.
We watched General Conference again on Sunday and had a relaxing day at Jesse and Leah's house. We are so grateful to them for letting us come and play for the week. We hadn't seen them since last May, so it was great to catch up. We also had cake and ice cream. The kids had been waiting to eat this cake for two whole days! They were very excited when they finally got to sing "Happy Birthday" to me and dig in!
Monday (April 7th, my birthday) was spent changing LOTS of poopy diapers. Jacob & Hannah both woke up with blow-out diapers. Hannah ended up having diarrhea all day long and I got to change diaper after diaper. Luckily, Grandma Powell loves me lots and changed both kids in the morning, although she did get poop all over the hotel bedspread! After driving through the afternoon, we stopped overnight at Grandma & Grandpa Luke's house to rest and eat cake & ice cream. It was the yummiest chocolate cake ever! Thanks Mom!
Tuesday was the shortest drive, but the longest. The kids were restless and we were all tired and missing Daddy. We finally made it home in the evening and gave Daddy lots of kisses and hugs and went to bed to catch up on some much needed rest.
If you actually made it through reading all of that, congratulations! The next few posts will be the few pictures that were taken during our trip. Unlike Leah, I have not had my camera permanently attached to my hand, so I am missing some valuable moments from our trip, sorry... enjoy!
Coloring cousins. Enjoying the semi-nice weather. Riding in the car. Hannah would touch the key (blue in picture) and say "OK, the music is on..." and then she would start driving. Playing in the sand box.
Brent has one more year to go before he's an old man. He's so old that he's been reduced to only one candle. If we put on all 29 I think we'd burn the house down! Brent LOVES the Bourne movies and was thrilled to get the collection as a present from Mom and Dad Powell.Hannah and Mom wearing pretty bows and being SO girly. The Enslinger's came to help celebrate and eat cake. Heather and Dustin's arm.
We always enjoy making the little ones laugh. Here is Jack laughing at his Mama.
My brother, Chris, has started a new photography business based out of Provo. He has put a lot of hard work into it and takes great pictures. Check out his new website at: