Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Carson & Barnes Circus

We got to go to the Carson & Barnes circus here in Bozeman a couple of weeks ago. We invited our friends Heather and Jack to come with us and we all had a GREAT time. I was the only one who had been to a circus before, so we were all thoroughly entertained. The performers were amazing and we were not above adding our "OOoh"'s and "AAaaahh"'s to the crowd.

Here is Hannah looking at the animals at the petting zoo.

Heather and Jack with a llama.

Hannah LOVES Heather and wanted to sit by her the entire time. We certainly don't mind... we LOVE Heather too! Here is Hannah, Heather and Jack.

Jacob, Cami & Brent. Jacob and Jack had a great time with all of the lights and animals to watch.

Hannah, Brent, Cami, Jacob, Heather & Jack at the end of the fabulous show.

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