Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fun in the Morning

Hannah has recently discovered that her mother is a VERY hard sleeper. So, she will wake up and just accidentally not come to get me. Yesterday morning she had gotten into an entire tube of diaper rash ointment and spread is around the entire house and all over herself. While I was feeding Jacob yesterday, Hannah also got into the sprinkles which were stored in the office and spilled them around the entire room and all over the carpet.

So, today I woke up to Hannah on a chair digging through the top drawer of the dresser in her room, which has more diaper rash ointment, lotion, etc. (all of the things that she's not supposed to have). I then walked out to the kitchen to find that Hannah had dumped 1/2 jar of baby formula (Enfamil aka. liquid gold) onto the floor. She had obviously enjoyed her time alone since most of the candy in the candy jar is gone as well. If anyone has any pointers for me on how to prevent these extremely disturbing events, PLEASE let me know!

Here is video of the formula mess and some of Jacob talking. Jacob is 11 weeks old today! Time sure does fly when you're too tired to think about it. Jacob is getting very interactive and fun. He loves to talk to us and has an adorable smile.

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